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There are 509 resources matching your search

Media Messaging in the Community: Best Practices in Public Health -- August 2019

While public health media messages can rely on elaborate marketing mass media campaigns, alternative approaches are necessary to reach audiences that do not access health information through written communication (AMC Cancer Research Center, 1994), or via digital media. This review, therefore, presents examples of media messaging practices using analog or “low-tech” strategies to communicate or market public health behaviors.

literature review media


Key Stakeholder Engagement: A Review of Recent Research (November, 2021)

Stakeholder engagement has gained increasing recognition as a crucial component of successful public health efforts. Effective planning and implementation in engaging stakeholders can lead to more meaningful and enduring outcomes in confronting health challenges. Current research on reaching and utilizing stakeholders indicates that innovative approaches to community health problems which incorporate stakeholders can produce more efficient and impactful programs.

literature review key stakeholders key stakeholder engagement


Geospatial Methods & Tools for Substance Abuse Prevention -- July Literature Review

Smartphone apps, GPS tracking, and geofencing are emerging as promising primary and secondary substance use prevention and management tools that can help avert and reduce substance abuse and its consequences, aid in maintaining gains made in treatment, and prevent the onset of more serious problems.

literature review


Example New Page

This is an example of gusto! united, blah, blah...

literature review webinar


Emerging Interventions- Updating Georgia's Compendium, Part II

Emerging Interventions- Updating Georgia's Compendium, Part II

literature review


Confronting The Repercussions of Suicidality: A Review of Current Approaches For Preventing Suicide (December, 2021)

Suicide is a critical worldwide phenomenon, with the repercussions of suicidality affecting not only the individual but also survivors, family members, friends, and communities in profound and lasting ways. As such, suicidality presents an imperative public health concern, in which risk and protection factors represent a crucial challenge and key issues for study. Recent research has assessed current protective and predictive models to examine their effectiveness and limitations and has proposed new frameworks for understanding and confronting suicidality.

literature review suicide prevention suicidality frameworks


Literature Review: Behavioral Health in Prevention

From Prospectus Group's Ben Gleason, the purpose of this review is to twofold. First, it is to provide an overview of how behavioral health is aligned with substance abuse prevention. The secondary purpose of this review is to provide examples of substance abuse prevention programming that is aligned with behavioral health.

literature review lit review ben gleason behavioral health bh public health approach


August Literature Review 2020

August Literature Review-A Guide to Supporting Innovative Practices Within Organizations

august literature review lit review literature review


Addressing Prescription Drug Abuse & Misuse

This review of existing strategies provides a selection of popular programs that address prescription drug interventions.

Gen Rx Gen Rx Strategies Prescription Drugs Intervention Strategy Literature Review


Alcohol Outlet Density: Recommendations for Reducing Consumption and Related Harms

On the basis of the reviewed evidence, this resource provides evidence of a positive association between outlet density and excessive alcohol consumption and related harms, and recommends limiting alcohol outlet density through the use of regulatory authority (e.g., licensing and zoning) as a means of reducing or controlling excessive alcohol consumption and related harms.

Outlet Density Environmental Strategies Policy


Alcohol Outlet Density: Reducing Excessive Consumption and Alcohol-Related Harms

To assess the effects of outlet density on alcohol-related harms, primary evidence was used from interrupted time–series studies of outlet density; studies of the privatization of alcohol sales, alcohol bans, and changes in license arrangements—all of which affected outlet density. Most of the studies included in this review found that greater outlet density is associated with increased alcohol consumption and related harms, including medical harms, injury, crime, and violence.

Outlet Density Environmental Strategies


Alcohol Outlets and Our Community: A Health Impact Assessment

Alcohol Outlets and Our Community: A Health Impact Assessment From May 2010 through August 2010, Mendocino County Public Health Services Prevention and Planning Unit conducted a health impact assessment of the effects of alcohol outlet density on the health of the community. This report summarizes the activities and findings of this health impact assessment (HIA).

Outlet Density Environmental Strategies Health Impact Assessment Mendocino County Public Health Services


Alcohol - True Stories

Alcohol: True Stories is a multimedia intervention designed to prevent or reduce alcohol use among young people in grades 5-12 by positively changing the attitudes of youth and their parents and other caregivers in regard to youth drinking.

Alcohol - True Stories Strategies Matt Damon Alcohol Perception Perception of Risk Individual Level Strategies


APP R1 Community Survey

Created for Region 1, this survey asks about a number of experiences and opinions on topics related to alcohol use.

Community Readiness Assessment Needs Assessment


APP Strategy Implementation Report 2015-2016 PDF (8/22/2016)

This is a PDF version of the Intervention Strategy Implementation Report Form online survey. The Intervention Strategy Implementation Report Form can ONLY be submitted online using the unique REDCap survey link sent to each APP Project Coordinator via email. This PDF version of the form contains all possible questions to be completed – however, the online survey is programmed to direct you to view only the questions that you need to answer based on your previous responses. Therefore, you may not need to complete all of the questions that appear in the PDF version of the form.

App Report Strategies Implementation Implementation Report Evaluation


There are 18 FAQs matching your search

Will anything be due to RTI for the current year's evaluation (there was an online survey in past years) or just the Annual Report?

The only items that should be sent to RTI directly for this year’s evaluation are the completed individual strategy pre- and post-surveys. However, all providers are still required to submit all other evaluation instruments and reports (e.g. End of Year Reports) as required by DBHDD and your RPS.

ASAPP Evaluation

Will RTI match case IDs for individual pre- and post-surveys in the Excel file sent to providers?

As RTI is only analyzing aggregated data at the cross-site level, pre- and post-surveys will only be matched at the provider level. Each provider will receive a full sequence of case IDs for both the pre- and post-surveys. If providers track which participant completes which case ID identified surveys, they will be able to match and analyze matched surveys at the individual level. RTI will not monitor any possible individual matching of survey participants.

Please note that the matching process poses additional risks to the confidentiality of the student data and may require additional Institutional Review Board approval or other research approval from your organization, your evaluator’s organization (e.g. a university), or the organization where you collect data (e.g., a school system).

ASAPP Evaluation

Our intervention addresses prescription drugs and marijuana in addition to alcohol. Will the individual surveys be able to capture the information about these other substances? Will we be able to substitute the substance that we want to measure?

Yes. There are questions related to prescription drug misuse and marijuana use on the High School version and the Parent version of the individual survey. There is no question related to prescription drugs on the Middle School version. It is not possible to substitute prescription drugs with another substance of choice, as the surveys are already standardized, formatted, and programmed.

ASAPP Evaluation

Is there an e-cigarette question on all individual surveys? Providers request these on both youth and the parent version, as it is important to assess whether parents are modeling e-cigarette behaviors.

No. There is a question that includes e-cigarettes on the Middle School and the High School versions of the individual strategy survey. There is no question regarding e-cigarettes on the Parent version of the survey.

ASAPP Evaluation

At the end of the year, will RTI be able to provide analyzed or raw data to the providers?

RTI will only analyze data in aggregate at the cross-site level, and cannot analyze data for individual providers. Raw data from the Georgia ASAPP Individual Strategy Surveys will be returned to providers in the form of an Excel file on a quarterly basis.

ASAPP Evaluation

The surveys presented are all specific for individual level strategies. Will there be a survey for environmental level strategies? How are environmental strategy surveys to be handled? Should providers send them to the evaluation team before using them? Will you offer any TA around evaluating positive social norms (PSN) campaigns?

We understand that some providers may want to implement their own environmental strategy surveys to assess community-level outcomes. RTI has not developed a survey for environmental strategies at this time. However, we can provide some technical assistance if you wish to develop your own. We may be able to 1) provide some guidance on implementing your environmental strategy surveys, 2) develop a general item bank from which providers can select items to develop their own surveys, or 3) provide assistance in developing a standardized, scannable survey form that can be administered by providers who wish to administer environmental strategy surveys. Please complete a TA request via ECCO if you would like assistance developing an environmental strategy survey.

ASAPP Evaluation

My individual strategy comes with pre- and post-surveys. Are we to disregard these surveys and just use those provided by RTI?

You must use the pre- and post-surveys developed by RTI, as they are required for the cross-site evaluation. You may also use the surveys obtained as part of your individual strategy, but they should only be used for your own evaluation of your program. The data from these surveys will not be analyzed by RTI.

ASAPP Evaluation

Our program serves some elementary school children. What survey should they use?

We do not recommend using the current surveys for youth under 10 years old. If your sample consists of both youth under the age of 10 and youth 10 and older, you should administer the survey attached to the curriculum for the youth under 10 years old and the “GA ASAPP State Evaluation: Individual Strategy Survey” Middle school version to the youth 10 and older.

If there is no other survey available (e.g. one associated with the chosen curriculum), and the entire sample consists of youth under the age of 10, do not administer the Middle School version of the survey. Please send a TA request via ECCO if you work with youth under 10 so that we can develop an appropriate evaluation plan.

ASAPP Evaluation

Will there be an electronic version of the individual surveys?

Yes. RTI developed an online version of the individual strategy surveys using REDCap. Information on how to access the online versions of the surveys is outlined in the Data Collection & Submission Procedures document.

ASAPP Evaluation

How long will it take to receive paper surveys after they are requested?

Once a Survey Request Form is received, expect to receive the paper surveys in the mail within 15 business days. Providers are advised to request paper surveys at least 3 weeks before they are needed. This information is outlined in the Data Collection & Submission Procedures document.

ASAPP Evaluation

How do I request individual survey forms?

All providers have received the Georgia ASAPP Individual Strategy Survey Request Form. In addition, it is available at: (see under “evaluation”). Providers should complete the form and send it as a TA request via ECCO.

Providers also received detailed instructions for requesting and submitting completed surveys in the Georgia ASAPP Evaluation: Data Collection & Submission Procedures document which is also available at: (see under “evaluation”).

ASAPP Evaluation

I ran out of surveys. Can I just copy my last blank one to hand out?

NO. Each survey has two ID numbers on it that are necessary for processing and analysis. One ID is unique to each provider, which will be used for pairing each pre- and post-survey to that provider. The other is a unique case ID unique that is specific to each completed survey. No two surveys will have the same case ID printed on them. Therefore, providers should not photocopy the surveys. Please make sure to request additional surveys BEFORE you run out.

ASAPP Evaluation

How long is the individual strategy survey?

There are three versions of individual surveys. The Middle School version of the survey contains 18 questions; the High School version has 20 questions; and the Parent version has 21 questions.

ASAPP Evaluation

Will the slides from the “Office Hour” sessions be available for download?

Yes. We will make sure the slides are available to OBHP (including all the information we are presenting at the regional provider meetings). Your RPS will let you know where to find those.

ASAPP Evaluation

If a Provider cannot spend all of his/her funds for FY2017, can they be carried over into next year? If not, what are some suggestions for spending down the available funds?

No funds cannot be carried over to another contract year. Please speak individually with your RPS concerning funding.


Does attending the SAPST training in Macon count as the required conference within the contract for FY2017

Yes, this training will for the FY17 contract year.


Will future regional meetings have the option for web capability if a Provider is unable to attend in-person?

We can accommodate with a conference line. However, providers are welcome to use their own technology to web conference with staff at their agencies who are unable to attend the meeting.


What types of questions should be entered into ECCO for technical assistance versus what types of questions should be directed towards the Regional Prevention Specialist (RPS)

The questions entered in ECCO should be questions concerning the strategies, process, implementation of the project. Any programmatic, invoice related or budget questions should be directed to your RPS.

Using ECCO